Professor, Insutitute of Economic Research, Kyoto University


Book (in English only)

  1. Introduction to Japanese Household Surveys Springer:Tokyo (2018) (ISBN 978-981-10-7680-0)

Papers in Refereed Journal (in English only)

  1. Katagiri, Mitsuru, Junko Koeda, Hiroaki Miyamoto, Makoto Nirei, and Takashi Unayama. "Fiscal Projections and Debt Sustainability in Japan." Asian Economic Policy Review (Accepted).
  2. Cashin, David, and Takashi Unayama. "The Spending and Consumption Response to a VAT Rate Increase." National Tax Journal 74 (2021): 313-346.
  3. Hausman, Joshua K., Johannes F. Wieland, and Takashi Unayama. "Abenomics, Monetary Policy, and Consumption." In The Political Economy of the Abe Government and Abenomics Reforms, edited by Takeo Hoshi and Phillip Y. Lipscy, 139-169. 2021.
  4. Hausman, Joshua K., Johannes F. Wieland, and Takashi Unayama. "Abenomics, the Housing Market, and Consumption." Keizai Bunseki 200 (2019): 37-62.
  5. Stephens, Melvin Jr., and Takashi Unayama. "Estimating the Impacts of Program Benefits: Using Instrumental Variables with Underreported and Imputed Data." Review of Economics and Statistics 101, no. 3 (2019): 468-475. (See also NBER WP 21248)
  6. Cashin, David, and Takashi Unayama. "Measuring Intertemporal Substitution in Consumption: Evidence from a VAT Increase in Japan." Review of Economics and Statistics 98 (2016): 285-297.
  7. Hara, Ryota, Justin Weidner, and Takashi Unayama. "The Wealthy Hand to Mouth in Japan." Economic Letters 141 (2016): 52-54.
  8. Stephens, Melvin Jr., and Takashi Unayama. "Child Benefit Payments and Household Wealth Accumulation." Japanese Economic Review 66 (2015): 447-465.
  9. Stephens, Melvin Jr., and Takashi Unayama. "The Impact of Retirement on Household Consumption in Japan." Journal of Japanese and International Economies 26 (2012): 62-83.
  10. Stephens, Melvin Jr., and Takashi Unayama. "The Consumption Response to Seasonal Income: Evidence from Japanese Public Pension Benefits." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (2011): 86-118. (See also NBER WP 16342)
  11. Takashi Unayama. "The Demand System and the Substitution Bias in the CPI: Evidence from the Japanese Household Survey Data." Applied Economics 40 (2008): 1795-1806.
  12. Takashi Unayama. "The Engel Curve for Alcohol and the Rank of Demand Systems." Journal of Applied Econometrics 21 (2006): 1019-1038.
  13. Takashi Unayama. "Upward Bias in the Consumer Price Index Under the Zero Inflation Economy." Economics Letters 85 (2004): 139-+24.
  14. Takashi Unayama. "Product Variety and Real Exchange Rates: The Balassa-Samuelson Model Reconsidered." Journal of Economics 79 (2003): 41-60.